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Hold me tight

There is no perfect soul mate, no flawless lover. We are all stumbling around, treading on each other’s toes as we are learning to love. Dr. Sue Johnson – Hold Me Tight Dr. Sue Johnson, the founder of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), asserts that love is not a mystery but a science. It is based…

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What is lacking in Western upbringing?

The book Hunt, Gather, Parent by Michaeleen Doucleff delves into her own anthropological explorations among various civilizations, including the Inuit, Māori, Hunza, Maasai, and Gabonese tribes. In the “pressure cooker” of Western nuclear families, much attention is given to a child’s independence, often demanded in an imperative manner. In contrast, in the aforementioned tribes, children…

Attachment theory

Attachment styles are psychological models that describe how people form emotional bonds and interact with others: first in parent-child relationships and then, as a result, in intimate relationships. Views on relationships during the Bowlby era During the 20th century, relationships, especially parent-child relationships, were often viewed through a functional lens. Parents were seen primarily as…

How to start a relationship

Why do we choose people for relationships who seem right in the moment but cause so much pain later? Attraction often plays a large role in our initial choices, but can sometimes cloud our judgment, leading to decisions that are not in line with our long-term happiness. It seems that the attraction was designed by…

Animated films to watch with children (5-8+)

I’m not a fan of animated films but I need something to watch with kid on weekends. This list is an attempt to find common ground. Let me know if anything good is missing here. COCO (2017) Age: 7+Miguel journeys to the Land of the Dead and discovers the importance of family and traditions. INSIDE…

Julia Donaldson

Julia Donaldson is not only author of our favorite children’s books, but also our favorite illustrator (to date, Axel Scheffler has illustrated 29 of her books, and they are all among our favorites), wonderful Ukrainian translations, and most importantly, really smart, instructive, witty and exciting stories with unexpected twists, – that’s what Julia Donaldson is…


Mental health: selfhelp

I have long wanted to talk about evidence-based techniques for mental health. I am extremely glad that such methods exist and already have a scientific basis – this is the beginning of something big. We begin to understand on all levels that we are whole beings, not divided into components — body, mind, or soul….

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You shouldn’t have given birth

The social, psychological, and physiological changes that accompany childbirth are often not openly discussed or oversimplified. There is a certain standard in society that the birth of a child should be a “happy event”, but this narrative does not take into account all the difficulties that accompany this process, especially when the pregnancy was not…

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