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Attachment theory

Attachment styles are psychological models that describe how people form emotional bonds and interact with others: first in parent-child relationships and then, as a result, in intimate relationships. Views on relationships during the Bowlby era During the 20th century, relationships, especially parent-child relationships, were often viewed through a functional lens. Parents were seen primarily as…

Julia Donaldson

Julia Donaldson is not only author of our favorite children’s books, but also our favorite illustrator (to date, Axel Scheffler has illustrated 29 of her books, and they are all among our favorites), wonderful Ukrainian translations, and most importantly, really smart, instructive, witty and exciting stories with unexpected twists, – that’s what Julia Donaldson is…


Feminist books: 50 books by females about females

For a long time I wanted to make a list of books where women sincerely and beautifully write about women’s issues, pains, feministic things, healthy feminine and healthy masculine. I haven’t read all the books on this list, so this is also my to-read list. I also hope that the Ukrainian market will see all…

Sexual culture

What I love about tiktok is that you can really, really go out of your bubble and freak out. In one video, a woman talks about the fact that a man will do anything, move mountains, get married, but all this for the sake of one single goal – access to a woman’s body. And…

Nemo євробачення

Gender or pink skirt

I didn’t want to be a woman for a long time, because it seemed that it was more profitable to be a man in this world. I could not accept myself as a mother for a long time, because I did not want to be a mother. For a long time I did not want…

астрід ліндґрен

Astrid Lindgren

Today was the first time I spoke Swedish in public (in Swedish class), and since the given topic affected me directly, I was the only one who actually spoke and didn’t read from a piece of paper: Astrid Lindgren. I never thought that I would live in this woman’s country, learn her language, try to…

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