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Nonviolent communication

What I want in my life is compassion, a flow between myself and others based on a mutual giving from the heart.Marshall Rosenberg “Nonviolent Communication” Emotional blackmail Once I told one guy that I wanted to break up with him, and he threatened to commit suicide. Surprisingly, my reaction was complete inner peace, and for…

Motherhood, fatherhood, parenthood

At first, I described my blog as the one about ‘parenting’. In Ukrainian the meaning of this word is equal to ‘fatherhood’, and we use the same word for both meanings. Eventually, I realized that I was writing more for and perhaps closer to mothers, and the word ‘fatherhood’ seemed too patriarchal to me, so…

The acceptance of what can’t be changed

Sometimes I write articles justfor myself because I need some convincing reminders of well-known things. This is one of those. This week my mantra is let it be, and I used to think of this phrase as ‘well, whatever, let it be’ rather than ‘allow it to be’.There are things we cannot change, it’s a…

Survival and pandemia

I really liked the idea of ​​Tina Bryson’s and Daniel Siegel’s book “No-Drama Discipline” about the soundtrack, like before starting solving the situation, make sure to turn off a thriller inside and turn on some pleasant romantic music or something. Or imagine yourself looking at the playground: moskali (a very special type of Russians) scream,…

An adequate self-motivation

Motherhood came to me unexpectedly, but on time. I was exactly bored with working with inhumane schedules, fiction books and carelessness towards myself. In fact, my life at that time consisted mainly of chronic depression and running away or having a bad relationship. With the birth of a baby, I finally got grounded, I became…

Evil tongues

Yes, it is difficult, especially by yourself.It is difficult when the baby is rehearsing and you are not able to find the reasons. And when he does not let go to the toilet, let alone shower or eat. Hard when he gets sick. It is physically difficult to pull a ladder loaded with groceries while…

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