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чого бракує захіжному виховання

What is lacking in Western upbringing?

The book Hunt, Gather, Parent by Michaeleen Doucleff delves into her own anthropological explorations among various civilizations, including the Inuit, Māori, Hunza, Maasai, and Gabonese tribes. In the “pressure cooker” of Western nuclear families, much attention is given to a child’s independence, often demanded in an imperative manner. In contrast, in the aforementioned tribes, children…

Блог Принадії

Prynadiyi blog: seven years anniversary

Prynadiyi blog is suddenly seven years old, and I am the girl who survived thanks to it. I thank all the readers who have been with me all this time, and I’m also glad when the statistics grow – new readers appear. Sad or not, I hate algorithms and marketing, and I leave the fate…

Sexual culture

What I love about tiktok is that you can really, really go out of your bubble and freak out. In one video, a woman talks about the fact that a man will do anything, move mountains, get married, but all this for the sake of one single goal – access to a woman’s body. And…

Nemo євробачення

Gender or pink skirt

I didn’t want to be a woman for a long time, because it seemed that it was more profitable to be a man in this world. I could not accept myself as a mother for a long time, because I did not want to be a mother. For a long time I did not want…

астрід ліндґрен

Astrid Lindgren

Today was the first time I spoke Swedish in public (in Swedish class), and since the given topic affected me directly, I was the only one who actually spoke and didn’t read from a piece of paper: Astrid Lindgren. I never thought that I would live in this woman’s country, learn her language, try to…

органіхація побуту

Division of household duties

Having lived with people of different gender and cultures, I have come to the conclusion that equality in everyday life is rather a matter of personal maturity and responsibility than gender and cultural background, although the latter, of course, also plays a role. What if all this can be taken into account, when creating your…

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