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Best childrens poetry books on the Ukrainian market

Is there any good modern children’s poems on the Ukrainian market that don’t sacrifice rhythm, rhyme or accent? Well-thought stories with good illustrations? Yes! Most of the books in the ranking below are specifically Ukrainian, plus two translations; however, a good translation is also a rarity, an art and a separate work. Here are the…


What is burnout? Initially, in 1974, the term “burnout” was defined as “the extinction of motivation or incentive, especially where one’s devotion to a cause or relationship fails to produce the desired results.” After facing personally, I’d simplify it to the word “devastation”. The battery dies and you are no more able to do anything….

Time-management for moms. Laura Vanderkam

… A day has 24 hours and a week has 168. No matter how cool and wonderful you are, your activity should be limited to this. Laura Vanderkam “I Know How She Does It. How Successful Women Make The Most of Their Time” That’s about how limits also the informativeness of Laura Vanderkam’s book –…

The Ukrainian of a healthy human

I’m always told that I have a complex character. I don’t know whether you noticed, but in Ukraine people usually call so those who have it in general. Ulyana Suprun Aggression is the driving energy and impulse to action.  For some, it results in activities for the benefit of the community and… tears, for others…

Article 100: Prynadiyi and our becoming

All this has started as a natural parenting blog Well, the blog Prynadiyi now has a hundred articles and 2.5 months to 3 years, and this is a great opportunity to ensure that Heraclitus was right: everything flows, everything changes. During this time, the blog has gone from the status of a modest whim per…

The history of upbringing

Be like children. Jesus Christ It’s possible that our parents find our demands for something more than what we have already been given to be absurd, because they already broke so much away from the approach of their own parents while raising us. But history shows that we are becoming more delicate, and evolution requires…

Birth plan (template)

The birth plan is our support during childbirth and the basis for communication with the medical staff. Below you can download the template and edit it according to your needs. Lots of useful stuff on this blog, please use the search! Take care of yourself, the world rests on mothers. Do I need to make…

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