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Strong movies about women

Films about women that inspire, disclose the topic of women, give food for thought. So different, so complex, so beautiful. So strong together. Real stories of real women Movies that will leave a good aftertaste. Frida (2002), directed by Julie Taymore, USA For me, this film means, first of all, visual aesthetic pleasure, Mexican flavor,…

органіхація побуту

Division of household duties

Having lived with people of different gender and cultures, I have come to the conclusion that equality in everyday life is rather a matter of personal maturity and responsibility than gender and cultural background, although the latter, of course, also plays a role. What if all this can be taken into account, when creating your…

James Clear – Atomic habit

This year, I desperately did not want to let go of the previous year, trying to finish everything as planned. At the same time, I did not rush to write out the New Year’s resolution in one evening, but gradually reflect on all of this in the new year. Honestly? – Fine) The first book…

Three important questions and twelve areas of life

Small routines and clear plans: a few questions and small contributions in each of the areas can significantly improve the quality of life. Let’s try. Vishen Lakhiani – “Code of the Extraordinary Mind”. Vishen Lakhiani – “Code of the Extraordinary Mind” “Code of the Extraordinary Mind” by Vishen Lakhiani is not a book that I would sincerely recommend,…

Coping mechanisms

Coping mechanisms are our actions/reactions in response to difficulties or stress. They can be healthy or unhealthy. These mechanisms are deeply rooted in our behavior and are often based on our past experiences, meaning that we often use them automatically, subconsciously. However, it is important to distinguish between beneficial and harmful mechanisms and to understand…


Personal boundaries

Surprisingly or not, I only started to feel my own boundaries and understand that they were crossed at 27, and I set the first official conscious boundary in my life at 34. Before that, I ran away, avoided and accumulated anger, so at 27 this anger finally just exploded. But there is nothing to be…

guilt and shame

Guilt and shame

What is the difference between guilt and shame, how guilt develops in children, and what exactly makes our emotions healthy or unhealthy. What are the long-term effects of childhood guilt, how do we support our children in order to keep it healthy, and how do we manage our own guilt. What is the difference between…

family next to the christmas tree

How to close the old year and start new one in seven days

A week until the new year! An immediate personal plan is needed to destroy the vestiges of the previous year and prepare for the next! The summary of the year! New Year’s resolution! The end of the year is a great opportunity to clear, tidy up, review and draw conclusions, and the term of the…

child writing mom on the wall graffiti

Barbara Sher: That’s what life is

How do we manage our own time and what conclusions can we draw from this? In the book “Wishcraft. How to Get What You Really Want”, the author, Barbara Sher, says that after analyzing our day, we most likely find ourselves belonging to one of the types: “procrastinator” or “good person”. Which one are you…

Щастя: Не перфектно, але лаґом

Happiness: Not perfect but lagom

Many of us have heard of concepts like siesta, hygge or hakuna matata. There are many such little concepts of happiness around the world. What will happen if we combine them in one comprehensive collection and then extract the essence? What makes us happy and who knows some little secrets about it? Definition of happiness…

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