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Gender or pink skirt

I didn’t want to be a woman for a long time, because it seemed that it was more profitable to be a man in this world. I could not accept myself as a mother for a long time, because I did not want to be a mother. For a long time I did not want…

астрід ліндґрен

Astrid Lindgren

Today was the first time I spoke Swedish in public (in Swedish class), and since the given topic affected me directly, I was the only one who actually spoke and didn’t read from a piece of paper: Astrid Lindgren. I never thought that I would live in this woman’s country, learn her language, try to…

Three important questions and twelve areas of life

Small routines and clear plans: a few questions and small contributions in each of the areas can significantly improve the quality of life. Let’s try. Vishen Lakhiani – “Code of the Extraordinary Mind”. Vishen Lakhiani – “Code of the Extraordinary Mind” “Code of the Extraordinary Mind” by Vishen Lakhiani is not a book that I would sincerely recommend,…

child writing mom on the wall graffiti

Barbara Sher: That’s what life is

How do we manage our own time and what conclusions can we draw from this? In the book “Wishcraft. How to Get What You Really Want”, the author, Barbara Sher, says that after analyzing our day, we most likely find ourselves belonging to one of the types: “procrastinator” or “good person”. Which one are you…

Вівек Мурті - Самотність


There is much more love and connection in the world than I had allowed myself to see. Vivek Murthy – Together I spent half my life in depression, and I would have stayed there if I hadn’t come across Vivek Murthy’s book and learned that the name of that depression is loneliness. In fact, Vivek…

медитація, стабільність, баланс

What I stand on in my 30+

Last month, I did an experiment dedicated to my 34th birthday: I observed what principles and observations I rely on, what are my main lived-through revelations that I constantly return to in my mind. After filtering the variations and systematizing them, I got the following result. So, my main principles to live by. Trust and…

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