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чого бракує захіжному виховання

What is lacking in Western upbringing?

The book Hunt, Gather, Parent by Michaeleen Doucleff delves into her own anthropological explorations among various civilizations, including the Inuit, Māori, Hunza, Maasai, and Gabonese tribes. In the “pressure cooker” of Western nuclear families, much attention is given to a child’s independence, often demanded in an imperative manner. In contrast, in the aforementioned tribes, children…

народження дитини, не треба було народжувати

You shouldn’t have given birth

The social, psychological, and physiological changes that accompany childbirth are often not openly discussed or oversimplified. There is a certain standard in society that the birth of a child should be a “happy event”, but this narrative does not take into account all the difficulties that accompany this process, especially when the pregnancy was not…

Nemo євробачення

Gender or pink skirt

I didn’t want to be a woman for a long time, because it seemed that it was more profitable to be a man in this world. I could not accept myself as a mother for a long time, because I did not want to be a mother. For a long time I did not want…

James Clear – Atomic habit

This year, I desperately did not want to let go of the previous year, trying to finish everything as planned. At the same time, I did not rush to write out the New Year’s resolution in one evening, but gradually reflect on all of this in the new year. Honestly? – Fine) The first book…

Coping mechanisms

Coping mechanisms are our actions/reactions in response to difficulties or stress. They can be healthy or unhealthy. These mechanisms are deeply rooted in our behavior and are often based on our past experiences, meaning that we often use them automatically, subconsciously. However, it is important to distinguish between beneficial and harmful mechanisms and to understand…

guilt and shame

Guilt and shame

What is the difference between guilt and shame, how guilt develops in children, and what exactly makes our emotions healthy or unhealthy. What are the long-term effects of childhood guilt, how do we support our children in order to keep it healthy, and how do we manage our own guilt. What is the difference between…

Щастя: Не перфектно, але лаґом

Happiness: Not perfect but lagom

Many of us have heard of concepts like siesta, hygge or hakuna matata. There are many such little concepts of happiness around the world. What will happen if we combine them in one comprehensive collection and then extract the essence? What makes us happy and who knows some little secrets about it? Definition of happiness…

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