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What I stand on in my 30+

Last month, I did an experiment dedicated to my 34th birthday: I observed what principles and observations I rely on, what are my main lived-through revelations that I constantly return to in my mind. After filtering the variations and systematizing them, I got the following result. So, my main principles to live by. Trust and…

Nursery adaptation 2.0

What to consider when sending a child to nursery, and how to facilitate adaptation. Own experience and opinion of the family psychologist. The other day, during the act of handover to the nursery, my child sat, dangling his legs, gnawing an apple and was watching with interest as other children roared “iwantmom”. This is our…

How to choose a psychotherapist

How to choose a psychotherapist, my story Restless life.I first decided to see a therapist in 2009, in my early 20s. Who knows at what level this field was in Ukraine at that time (the Ukrainian Union of Psychotherapists was founded in 1994), but I didn’t know anything about it, and I simply went to…


What is burnout? Initially, in 1974, the term “burnout” was defined as “the extinction of motivation or incentive, especially where one’s devotion to a cause or relationship fails to produce the desired results.” After facing personally, I’d simplify it to the word “devastation”. The battery dies and you are no more able to do anything….

The Ukrainian of a healthy human

I’m always told that I have a complex character. I don’t know whether you noticed, but in Ukraine people usually call so those who have it in general. Ulyana Suprun Aggression is the driving energy and impulse to action.  For some, it results in activities for the benefit of the community and… tears, for others…

10 ways to feel better

Hardly anyone will disagree that the last few months have been particularly difficult, there’s some irregular chaos in space, and none of the many topics for articles have been finding a response in my heart and, consequently, in the universe. In such periods, it’s difficult to remember how to make yourself feel a little better….

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