Best books for toddlers on Ukrainian market.
1. Lars Clinting – A series about Castor

Translated by Anna Mamchur
Illustrations by the author
This series has a huge educational potential, covers many types of activities, giving a lot of knowledge and ideas in an extremely easy way. And not only for a child.
2. 🇺🇦 Jacque Jab’ye – The eight-leged Human

Illustrations – Natalia Kudlyak
Really good humorous poem about no one else as the average mother who turns the mountains over every day. Another book that is equally good for both children and adults.
3. Marta Galevska-Kustra – Trilogy about Bodio (Pucio)

Translation – Cherdakli A.M.
Illustrator – Joanna Kloss
This is a trilogy, but on the photo you can see only 2 and 3d ones. We left the first volume in another country, because we couldn’t take everything with us, but it was read “to the holes”. The books are created by a speech therapist especially for children who learn to speak, they cover a maximum of daily topics, giving a basic lexicon to a child.
4. 🇺🇦 Oksana Krotyuk – The Black Sea and the Blue Whale

Illustrations – Kost’ Lavro
Quite a well-written poetic story about an insatiable whale who decided to drink the sea.
The only Wimmelbuch that the mother enjoyed as well.
5. 🇺🇦 New Year’s holidays (Wimmelbuch)

Author and illustrator – Inna Ruda
The only Wimmelbuch that the mother enjoyed as well.
6. 🇺🇦 Iryna Morykvas – Magda and the wind

Author and illustrator – Iryna Morykvas
Probably the only book from this publisher that I like visually; I like more naive illustrations than those usually used by “A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA”, and autumn colors are a special thrill. The book is also unusual for its story – about a girl in a chair who loved to reflect and dream.
7. 🇺🇦 Turnip by Ivan Franko (Ukrainian classics revisioned)

Author – Ivan Franko
Illustrations – Agrafka
I am a fan of Agrafka, but today I only own one book illustrated by them. It’s beautiful.
8. Trills and dragon ears

Author – Lennart Hellsing
Illustrations by Anne Gustavsson
Translated by Natalia Ivanychuk
A gentle poetic book about musical instruments, a wonderful way to get acquainted with classical music. The book also contains a CD with famous classical compositions.
9. The Little Knight Who Battled the Rain

Author – Gilles Thibault
Illustrations – Genevieve Despree
Translation – Grigorovich O.
A somewhat primitive story about a knight who saved the world with chocolate cakes, but the illustrations and mom will save the situation.
10. 🇺🇦 Halyna Kruk – Ukrainian-English alphabet

Illustrations by Kateryna Reida
A good book for bilinguals and those who want to get acquainted with the English or Ukrainian language.
11. Jorg Muhlle – Two for me, one for you

Translated by Oleksandra Grigorenko
Illustrations by Jorg Muhle
The funny story, which you want to read with intonation, made me very happy.
12. 🇺🇦 100 fairy tales from the magic forest

Author – M. Save and others
Illustrations – S. Alyastra
I was looking for a thick book of short stories and cute illustrations – that’s all I’ve found.
13. 🇺🇦 Halyna Maniv – Apartment-land (Kvartyria)

Illustrator – Marta Koshulinska
Cute book with short homy stories, in soft cover.
14. 🇺🇦 Aesthetic folk tales

Illustrations – Kashchak N.
The only Ukrainian folk tales that didn’t break my eyes. Thin, soft cover.
Guess what great children’s series Ukrainain publishers are not ready to publish?