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Prynadiyi blog: seven years anniversary

personal-chronicles reflections

Prynadiyi blog is suddenly seven years old, and I am the girl who survived thanks to it. I thank all the readers who have been with me all this time, and I’m also glad when the statistics grow – new readers appear. Sad or not, I hate algorithms and marketing, and I leave the fate of the Prynadiyi blog to its own destiny. Nevertheless, this year I optimized the site as much as possible for accessibility in search engines, and I see the result. I’m glad to see that now people come to read old articles through google, what I’ve created lives! And if you like my content, please support and share it, because I strive to make quality things, constantly experiment and write about things that genuinely interest me.

Ukrainian content with an English version

I’ve decided to add an English version to the site. Why? There are many reasons for this. At first, I wanted the blog to be read by my child’s father and other Ukrainian-English-speaking families, because I often summarize topics, saving peoples time for independent research. In addition, I was training to make translations and wanted to expand the audience of readers, as well as demonstrate to Ukrainians that we do not need Russian versions of sites at all – I feel it as a personal form of protest. After Ukraine was occupied by Russian Empire and USSR and Ukrainian language was being eliminated and persecuted while russian was forced on us instead, many Ukrainians speak russian without even realizing why. Today (well, in 2014) it gave russia manipulative “official reasons” to invade our country again – “to liberate russian speaking population”. So it’s important to cancel anything russian, especially in Ukraine.

Seven years of progress

It’s very interesting to follow the thematic progress over these seven years, because for 7 years I have been scratching the itch. Prynadiyi blog covered the topics of pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, survival with a child (yes, survival); I also reflected on the topics of parenthood, followed the growth of a person in my child, switched to personal development, topics of motivation, inspiration, personal growth and how things work, relationships, how we work. This amounted to 146 articles, which means about an article a week for seven years, although there were periods when I could write more or less.

I moved the site losing previously established traffic, figured out how to properly structure the text to make it easier to read, added audio versions to some articles (unfortunately, I don’t have time to do this all the time, but I always keep it in the backseat of my mind), polished the design until I was completely satisfied. As I gain new experience, I also regularly improve old articles.

Why am I writing?

I often write to understand the topic for myself, or I summarize what I have thought/read, or I give myself advice, writing in a semi-conscious state (because I almost never have energy), so that I can get my cute little dopamine when the article is finished, and feel that I’m alive for a good reason. I did it.

Prynadiyi blog has helped me through many difficult moments of solo motherhood. I am delighted to be able to follow my own progress and have so much useful material on the site. And I really hope that it’s not only useful for me.

About things that wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t create this blog. There is not English version for now, but you may use Google Translate.

Top articles by views

Undisputed favorites of the Prynadiyi blog by the number of views.

Articles about relationships

Attention to these articles shows their relevance, and this is very gratifying. Without relationships, we are nothing. The world in which we live rests on them. Therefore, it is important to work on their quality.

It was a difficult article to write and it turned out to be so voluminous that I was afraid that no one would read it. But she topped the hit parade, and the fact that she was read till the end is evidenced by reposts. In fact, I almost turned it into a book, because there is so much more to add.

It’s so difficult for us in relationships, because we are in a painful evolutionary transit stage and do not fully understand what is happening.

To be yourself or to be accepted by society? Could the concept of gender be avoided altogether? I understand well the difficulties of acceptance, self-identification and the importance of names for things. Because despite the fact that I clearly identify as a woman (although it has an exclusively divine meaning for me to belong to a certain clan), I find it difficult to fit into the generally accepted norms. And it’s not always clear why should I.

A thing that is easily confused with depression, and from which our society suffers en masse. What relationships do we need to be happy, and what can we do to change things for the better?

The article is based on the book Seven Principles for a Successful Marriage by John Gottman. I was led to this book by trying couples therapy. A failed attempt, by the way, but that’s a completely different story. I think this is a very practical article, especially for those who are looking for ways to fix existing relationships.

Articles about upbringing

Seven pediatricians who strongly influenced society’s attitude towards a child, who, it turns out, is also a human.

A sensitive topic for many. Sometimes, it seems like children’s tantrums are a conspiracy against you. In reality, the child is simply growing.

Articles that deserve more attention

There are several articles that I dream of being read, reread, and shared. If each of us had these realizations, the world would be much better and clearer.

An article about our three ego-states, four life positions and what it actually means to be an adult.

Therapists have long ceased to be taboo, and most people now seem to understand the difference between psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists. However, we still do not always realize that even among therapists, you need to find your own person and make sure that this person is sufficiently educated, has the full right to practice and is guided by the principle of “do no harm”. Let’s never forget to walk away from situations that don’t serve us and let’s treat ourselves with care.

The basis of the basics for those who want to better understand themselves and those around them and be able to hear and communicate more effectively.

What’s next?

I want to add audio versions and English translations to all strategically important articles. I plan to summarize the main topics in comprehensive books. If there are people willing to help, these booklets can be published in paper form, if not, I will simply make them available on the website. Let them serve. God give me time and strength for all this.

Prynadiyi blog continues to delve into the research of how we work, build relationships, and look for the roots of problems and ideas to improve our lives and society, sincerely shares findings, conclusions and recommendations of books or films, represents Ukraine through the English-language version of the site. I am increasingly interested in psychology and social anthropology, so there will be many relevant topics.

I also see my role in supporting people like me: creative, lonely, confused, mothers, and one day I hope to reach a closer level of communication than Facebook.


I appreciate your feedback, wishes and ideas for collaboration, your support on Patreon. A blog of this format takes a lot of time, so it’s important to know that someone else needs it too, that someone appreciates it. I invite you to subscribe to the site updates (on the main page) so that you can receive every new article in your e-mail box, and not occasionally get access through Facebook or Instagram.

Thank you for accompanying me on this journey. The most valuable feedback I heard about Prynadiyi blog over the years was “I came to read one article and couldn’t stop.” See you in new topics!

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