I once tried to make such a list, but that time it was made on the basis of recommendations found in the Web, and now it’s very, very funny to me ?. But let’s leave it for the history and overall picture.
Today is the time for a second try, and this time most of the books are already in the category of read and strongly recommended by me. Let’s say more can be read, but these, in my opinion, are enough to miss nothing and more or less cover everything that worries the expectant mother or a mother of a child from zero to three. Most importantly, most of these books are Ukrainian or have already been translated and published in Ukrainian ♥ ️.
- Brilliant Ukrainian trilogy:
- O. Cook, Z. Gorodenchuk, O. Sokalska – Learning to Recognize Fertility
- Z. Gorodenchuk, T. Lekhnovska, O. Struk – Learning to give a birth
- Z. Gorodenchuk, O. Shlemkevich – Learning to Breastfeed

2. Grantly Dick-Read – Childbirth without Fear

Knowing English, you can also read Michel Odent’s book, Birth Reborn, which is quite popular in certain circles in Ukraine, but I like it a lot less, the spirit is not the same at all. You may see it with my eyes here.

3. Ingrid Bauer – Diaper Free!

4. John Medina – Brain Rules for Baby: How to Raise a Smart and Happy Child from Zero to Five

5. Deborah MacNamara – Rest, Play, Grow: Making Sense of Preschoolers (Or Anyone Who Acts Like One)

6. Alla Slotvinska – Playing Together or How to Cope with I-do-not-wants

7. Carlos Gonzalez

- My Child Won’t Eat

8. Mary Sheedy Kurcinka – Raising Your Spirited Child: A Guide for Parents Whose Child is More Intense, Sensitive, Perceptive, Persistent, and Energetic

9. Jean Liedloff – The Continuum Theory

10. Janusz Korczak – How to Love a Child